So a lot has happened since I started this back up again. As you can see from the pictures we have had another baby, Adelee. She is so stinking cute and Riley loves her most of the time. What I am about to say might sound ungrateful and that is not my intent. I am so grateful for all my blessings. With that being said I am grateful for month 5! Adelee is 5 months old, praise God! I love my babies, but I REALLY struggle in those first few months. Don't get me wrong, I am thrilled to have my little baby in my arms. I just am not one of those moms that pops a kid out and everything is perfect as a pictue. It takes me a bit to adjust to the change in the family dynamics and the change in me. I had post partum with Riley but had hoped that it was due to my month long hospital stay before he was born. I wasn't so lucky...I knew by week two. Then Adelee was having tummy problems and did nothing but scream for the first 6 weeks. If she wasn't asleep (15 min at a time) she was screaming. I had to hold her non-stop, but that didn't do much good. About week 7 we got her on special formula and by week 9 she was like a different baby. It was such a relief for the both of us. Her little personality bloomed and I started enjoying my sweet baby. Things started getting better with Adelee, I wasn't so tired, and the zoloft (for me-not the baby) kicked in. Again, praise God. So what I am getting at is that by month 5 we had a happy baby, happy momma and a nice little routine. Month 5 makes me smile and shed a happy tear!
15 years ago
I appreciate that you are so honest about the first few weeks after baby. I really struggled during that time, and what's worse, there's not a lot of people who share what they really go through, so you feel so alone and isolated. You wonder, "Am I already a terrible Mom?" or "Will I ever feel like myself again?" I am so happy to hear that things have gotten easier - they always do. But, that doesn't change the fact that the first few months are so incredibly difficult! Love you.